Friday, April 30, 2010

A good day for photo business

Today was a good day for some general photo business.  I signed up for a photography co-op, which means I now have a studio space to use during the month.  The space is beautiful with lots of natural light and a grassy area for some outdoor photos as well.  The space will allow me a little more flexibility with the kinds of shoots I can do for people.  I'm so excited for that! 

I also stumbled upon a cute little park on Normandale Blvd just south of 494.  Since I am not from the area, I don't always know where things are, but as I was sitting in the car while my husband drove us to his "office," I happened to spot this park.  It has two bridges, grassy areas, and a waterfall.  Perfect for some portraits!  I can't wait to set up a shoot there.  Any takers?

And lastly, I started organizing my props.  Now I have them stored away in an easy-to-move container.  I know I'll get some more props, but at least what I currently own are organized! 

Things are coming along nicely.  There's so much positive potential for the future.  And that's a good thing.

Monday, April 26, 2010

First Ad Ready to Go

Thanks to my sister, Megan, my first ad has been sent to be printed in a dance recital program.  She did an amazing job on the design.  I can't wait to partner more with her on the digital design aspect of the business.  There's some great stuff there!  I'm so excited to have this ad ready to go.  What a great venue for my first ad as well.  What a great launch for my business!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Looking for a Mother's Day present?

Portraits would make a great Mother's Day present!  Book now and save $20 off already low introductory prices.  Contact me at to book your session today!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Grand Opening Promotion!

Welcome to my grand opening promotion!  I'm so excited to be able to offer this promotion to you.  Please contact me with any questions or to book!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Continuing Education

When I was a teacher, I had it drilled into me that continuing my education was extremely important.  I think that's what ruined education for me.  All these theories being tossed out at every inservice and the people in charge expecting to see us model our classrooms after these ephemeral ideas.  I mean, what ever happened to learning by doing - over and over again until it became ingrained in your mind?    It was replaced by synergy, cooperative learning, best practices, and so on.  Anyway, I digress.  However, unlike when I was in education and stopped teaching the kids the best way I knew and followed instead the buzz theories of the time, I do believe in life-long learning as a photographer.  There's still so much I need to learn and master.  Therefore, I am so excited about my weekend-long photography workshop.  I know I will learn strategies to be able to provide you the best memories possible - those images that will last forever.  I know that you will benefit from this continuous quest for learning.  You will get great pictures every time.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Images Everlasting is in business!

After many years of dreaming about doing something creative with my life, I've bit the bullet and started my own photography company.  I'm so excited to be on this journey.  I want to thank my husband for giving me the support and courage I need to move forward.  And I thank my children for inspiring me with their beauty and love.  I love you all to the depths of my soul.