Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's a family affair

I had such a fun family shoot today.  The family consisted of mom, dad, a 3 year old, a 1 year old, grandma, grandpa, and an aunt and uncle.  So much fun!  I even got to do some maternity shots for the aunt and uncle.  I hope they enjoy!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Announcing December's Winners!

I had two contests going at the beginning of December - my final monthly drawing and a chance to win a mini-accordian brag book.  Unfortunately, life took over for a moment, so I'm a little behind on announcing these winners.  We'll start with the winner of my drawing first.

Typically, my monthly drawing winner needs to complete their session during the month in which the contest falls, however, with the holidays and the fact that it's almost the middle of the month, I'm extending that deadline to Jan. 31.  The winner gets a free photo session and $15 to spend on prints or products such as a CD.  So, without further adieu, the winner of December's monthly drawing is.........Melissa Garrity!  Please contact me within the next 48 hours to claim your prize.

And now on to the winner of the mini-accordian brag book.  Have you seen these?  They are so cute and can be customized in so many ways.  We'll work together to create your brag book.  Once we get it designed, it'll take about 7 days to receive the product.  And the winner of the brag book is.......Megan Blake!  Please contact me so can begin the design process.

Thanks to all who entered both contests and also to my lovely Cora who drew the names.  I have some other fabulous contests up my sleeve for 2011 along with a new site and look.  So keep tuned!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Rose (9 days) and Mary Elizabeth (1 year)

 I've been looking forward to this photo shoot ever since I met Katie at a Mom's Night Out earlier this fall.  I'm so glad the day finally arrived!  Little Miss Rose was born on Nov. 22 and I've been dying to see her.  She's just adorable.  And big sister Mary Elizabeth is just as sweet and cute and obviously loves her little sister - at least when it matters.  She didn't really want to pose by Rose, but once Rose started crying, Mary Elizabeth was right there to make sure she was OK.  And they really were too cute in their matching Christmas pjs.
Once we were done with Mary Elizabeth, she happily went down to the basement to play with great-Grandma while Katie and I got down to the business of taking some newborn photos of Rose.  She fussed a few times, but we were able to keep her happy and sleepy for the most part.  She definitely still has that newborn curl and the rolls of chunk.  What a cutie!  Thanks for letting me capture this moment for you, Katie and Chris!